Invitation to Research Collaboration
The IDMF conceptual framework, and IEA's past seminal research and publications posted on this web site, suggest future research challenges that are more ambitious than IEA can effectively undertake with our present staff and funding resources. Therefore, we actively welcome collaboration with, and related initiatives by, other organizations and individuals in one or more of the following ways.
- Individual collaboration. We would be glad to collaborate with any individual economists (including graduate students) who recognize the revolutionary significance of the IEA conceptual framework and would like to accept the challenge of a related research project. For instance, this is a very fertile field for selecting a Ph.D. thesis topic -- especially if one's adviser shares this vision of economic transformation.
- Merger. We believe that IEA's own work could be better promoted now under the aegis of a larger research organization or university, and invitations for such a merger would be welcome. We are now exploring with the Foundation Center the possibility of special funding to facilitate such a merger.
- Seminar discussion. In order to promote wider understanding and discussion of the IEA conceptual framework, John Atlee would be glad to present an introductory summary and lead a discussion of it for any student and/or faculty seminar interested in serious intellectual challenge.
Last revised: July 1, 2006